Sunday, October 13, 2013

"GeoStoric Challenge" Prototype

Download link at the bottom of this post.

During the past week I've been spending quite some time on creating a prototype of my game idea "GeoStoric Challenge". It was hard for me to pick a game engine to develop the game in because none of them are really good engines for creating the kind of game I wanted to create. 
But I still came up with quite a nice result using Stencyl
With Stencyl, I was able to create all the different scenes I wanted as well as making the player interact with the map in my game in a cool way.
The downside when using Stencyl was that it took quite a lot of time for me to learn how to work with the program. Being a software developer used to develop in pure code, it was hard for me to get used to the small sandbox engine that Stencyl is. Dragging and dropping elements instead of coding just took way to much time compared to what i'd have spend on creating the same prototype in code. 
But it was still nice to get to learn the engine and creating a small game like this has been really awesome!
I wanted to create the part of the game that means the most: the part where the user has to spot a location on the map and answer a question regarding that specific location. 
So I created a scene that wants the user to find a random location from a (hardcoded) list and made it interactive by adding an actor that the user could move around on the screen. 
By using the mouse to click around on the screen, the actor will go to where the mouse clicks. This means that if the actor goes over the right location on the way, it will actually count as if you've found the right location. 
Screenshot of the Map Scene where the player has to find a location.
I'm thinking of letting this actor be controlled by the arrow buttons on the keyboard instead of mouse-clicks - this will make it harder to find the locations by coincidence.  
When the user finds the right location he is shown how fast it was done and the amount of points achieved. Then when clicking again a question scene is shown with a question regarding the location just found. If the user failed to find the location, there will be no question for this location. 
The answers are hardcoded in a list, but the order of them is completely random which makes the correct answer switch places.
Again using the mouse by clicking on either of the 4 possibilities will trigger the event where the user will be taken to the next scene.  
Screenshot of the Question Scene where the player is answering a question.
Guessing the right answer takes the user to another score scene where the total score is shown.
Then back to the map scene to find another random location. This continues untill the user has been through all locations in the (hardcoded) list. When the user has guessed the last question of the last location right or wrong, the level will end and the total score is shown. This is where my prototype ends.
In the real game there would be more levels.

I think this prototype shows great deal of what the final game will be like.

In the video below you will see me playing the prototype.
***Spoiler alert***

Here's the link to play the game:

Thank you for reading!

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